Sunday, November 4, 2018

My mask sketches

Final sketch 

My first sketch
1. I uploaded three images to my blog and analized and described the sketches using elements of art and principles of art.
2.included art criticism
3. I uploaded my mask sketch
4. I used the elements of line, shapes, space, pattern and value when making my mask. I like the more realistic mask and art work and found it very hard to make a realistic looking mask. I used pattern when making my mouth mask and unity with the bringing nose and mask eye mask together. I felt like I emphasized on the eye aspect in my mask.
5.I found it difficult to make a mask so many thoughts was in my head. I wanted it to look a certain way but wasn't physically possible to make it so it made me a little frustrated. I do like my mask I may cut it out and laminate it to keep and hang up on my wall.

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