Sunday, November 11, 2018

art experience

I enjoyed going to the art gallery and looking at the different exhibits . It was fun to see how the different artist used different techniques to express their self .

Art gallery visit #2

(step #1)The exhibition that I seen was called We the people New Art from the collection
The theme was looking at each individual artist and the things and environment that shapes them. A lot of the objects used was from the artist neighborhood that was collected and used in an different content in which it was made.
(step #2) The type of lighting that was used was a soft low light. The walls was all white and the space was bare feeling. It was many rooms housed inside little rooms. The movement of the viewers was the same as mine many had notebooks and phones out taking pictures and learning different information about the art work
The art was organized on the walls neatly, it was sculptures in the middle of a few of the rooms. A lot of the art was different it represented things in their lives that stuck out to them and help mold them in both positive and negative ways. Some of the pieces was 3-D and was able to make noises and give different illusions of the tone of the setting while the was being designed. All artwork was labeled and some was framed and other's was made on material that constructed it's own frame. The art work was very spaced out none of them was close enough to get in one picture. 

#1 This was just added to the collection recently and I think it is amazing how they stand up own their own with no support. The Artist said that these was the type of dresses his mothers and aunts worn.
Art and Criticism 
1. When I seen this structure that made me curious to how are these dresses was standing up with out support .The artist used different textures of clothes and resign to  give the dresses a form .It was different colors and shapes that was used for the illusion. it reminds me of a family picture how the dresses was positioned, also reminded me of night gowns I use to wear as a child. 
Artist: Kevin Beasley Untitled (hollow) ,2016 size was not displayed Resin housedresses, and Kaftans 

#2 I liked that they was able to look at the word liquor and form a new word and to  me soul is a very deep work ex specially when you mix it with liquor. Alcohol had destroyed people and families for years and I didn't notice until I took a closer look that it had so many different types of shoes and laces and that was a very deep statement. 
Art and Criticsm 
1. This sculptures spoke to me as a representation of liquor, environment and souls can be lost through alcoholism. This artist used Lines, shapes, different colors, value when the only letters lit up on the sign is soul and its upside down. This reminds me of every sign I see while driving in my community . I like this picture it speaks volumes about society. The artist was trying to show us how they came together loisidas gather to celebrate rite passages and mourn loved ones that was lost .
Artist:  Nardi war Loiaidas LiquorsouL,2011 Meatal, Plexigals, fluorescent sign, PVC pipe, artificial flowers, shoes laces and shoe tips size of sculptures wasn't enclosed.


#3 The main attraction is this sculpture with different types of metal pans and cooking utensils. This photo symbolized the person challenge to overcome new and unfamiliar obstacles for their family and to adapt to natural resources to survive and learn. 
Art and Criticism 
1.I see a collection of different pots and pans and water flowing through some of them. The artist used form to build the structure. Space wasn't a concern this structure is very large and hard to capture in one photo . This reminds me of the pots my moms use on holidays, reminds me of food. I think it was a symbolism of the different things that contribute to life and daily struggles. The artist was trying to tell his story from his point of view of his family and upbringing.
Artist : Subodh Gupta
This is not a fountain ,2011-13 Old aluminum utensils, water, painted brass taps, PVC pipes and motor. The size wasn't included.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

My mask sketches

Final sketch 

My first sketch
1. I uploaded three images to my blog and analized and described the sketches using elements of art and principles of art.
2.included art criticism
3. I uploaded my mask sketch
4. I used the elements of line, shapes, space, pattern and value when making my mask. I like the more realistic mask and art work and found it very hard to make a realistic looking mask. I used pattern when making my mouth mask and unity with the bringing nose and mask eye mask together. I felt like I emphasized on the eye aspect in my mask.
5.I found it difficult to make a mask so many thoughts was in my head. I wanted it to look a certain way but wasn't physically possible to make it so it made me a little frustrated. I do like my mask I may cut it out and laminate it to keep and hang up on my wall.



Coffin mask of queen consort of king Djehuti (around 1650 BC). Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst (State Museum of Egyptian Art) in Munich.

I picked this piece of Queen Conseort of King Diehuti cause I liked the fact that you couldn't see unless reading that this is actually a woman. I liked the materials they used to sculpt this, it say that they were made of gold, jade and turquoise. I licked how the mask looks very realistic. I like the shine the light is giving the picture as it reflects off the face it looks like some form of plaster. The way they formed the hat to fit on the head look like it was a very heavy hat. I like how your able to se all the shapes, lines and details on the face and ears. The hat looks like it was evenly balanced on the mask.  


I picked this death mask cause it looked very interesting, that people actually made mask out of a person's face following their death. They became recognizable when King Tut had one done following his death. This mask looks very realistic despite the black and white contrast and the feeling of emphasis on the details to the face. No color was used that's why I believe the picture looks so unique. The line and pattern on the eye lashes is great. it is like you could see the lashes moving in the wind.


This military face mask (thought to have been worn in battle and during parades by cavalry) is one of the most exceptional finds at the site of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. It is one the oldest facial helmets known in the Roman army, dating from the first part of the 1st century CE. Museum und Park Kalkriese, Germany. Photographer: Carole 

I picked this picture because when I think of a mask this is the most common mask that comes to mind. It isn't rich in color but it actually looks like you could put this on and wear it. They cut holes out of the eyes, nose and mouth. The materials looks very hard and sturdy. It looks like it is very durable and with stand a few hits. The pattern used was a very natural realistic pattern when gives for a still look. space was used for the exact marking to allow for then to see, smell and talk.